Monday, April 28, 2014

Taxonomy and Shakespeare

      Taxonomy is the science of defining groups of biological organisms on the basis of shared characteristics and giving names to those groups.  In class, we classified objects into groups based on shared characteristics, much like Carl Linnaeus, the father of taxonomy, would have done with living organisms in the 1700's.
See if you can figure out how the objects are sorted. 

       We have also been reading, "A Midsummer Night's Dream," in class.  Students are beginning to understand more and more of the language.  They enjoy wearing the costumes and using the props.  It is one of the only times I allow them to sleep in class.  If you don't understand what I mean, make sure you join us for our performance on Thursday, June 5th.  

 Photograph by River R.

Photograph by Dylan S.
The class wearing their handmade Shakespearean collars. 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

A Busy Week in 5th Grade

As you know, we are in the midst of our plant unit.  This week students had the opportunity to plant, plant, plant. 

We planted a flower garden in the planter boxes at our school. 

We created cup characters, planted seeds and are anxiously waiting to see how their hair grows in. 

The students also planted bean seeds and are conducting an experiment as to whether or not fertilizer helps plants grow more successfully.  Half of the class has fertilizer in their plant, while the other half does not.  We have not observed any growth above the soil, but I'm sure you will be notified by your child when it does. 

In addition to all of the planting, students also performed a readers theater on "The Secret Garden."  You will notice Colin lying in bed, Mary with a straw hat and the Narrator with a dark brown hat.  Student enjoyed themselves and it was great to see them "on stage" as we move into our Shakespeare unit. 

Reader's Theater pictures taken by Lily H. 

To wrap it up, we had a fantastic trip to Bishops Close.  It is the only English Garden in Portland and students had a great time imagining themselves in the Secret Garden, speaking with Yorkshire accents and pretending to be different characters from "The Secret Garden." 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A Day in the Life of Michelangelo

Today students were asked by me, their patron, to create a piece of art.  However, it was not just any piece of art, but a replica of a part of the Sistine Chapel.  Students were on their backs, sketching and drawing on paper positioned underneath their desks.  They did this for about 30 minutes and it was impressive to see. 

Pictures by Autumn P.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Renaissance Dancing

Today, we had the opportunity to learn some dance steps from a Renaissance dance.  The dance requires wearing bells around our wrists and dancing in a circle with a partner.  Students had a great time being out in the sun and moving the way of the Renaissance. 

Pictures by Dylan S.

Family Spring Cleaning

Families!  Love our school, but don't have money or time during the week to show that love?  Join the club!  The Currey family is eternally grateful for what Cascade does for Elora and Isaiah, and we want to show it.  

On Saturday, April 5, the school will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for a good spring cleaning. We have 44,000 square feet of building and a BIG yard to clean!   Bring the whole family down and help us!  Bring your vacuum, feather dusters, Windex (or other organically suitable cleaning products), and more!  

Some possible jobs for your crew:
* power washing (you bring the power washer!)
* window washing
* baseboard scrubbing
* vacuuming
* dusting
* organizing

Teachers have made lists of things they'd like us to do, so there will be plenty of work to go around!  Save the date!  Bring a picnic lunch!  Come for the whole time or just for an hour or two! Help children have pride in their school by helping to keep it clean!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Our Visit to the Oregon Gardens

We had a lovely day at the Oregon Gardens.  The weather held nicely and we were able to observe many different types of gardens. 

We participated in a scavenger hunt on the grounds, dissected daffodils, played Jeopardy, touched tadpoles, visited a greenhouse, and classified different materials from the plant and animal world.  We also learned extensive facts about honeybees, their lifestyles and their environments.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Our Day at Biz Town

Today we had a wonderful day at Biz Town.  Students dressed very professionally and worked hard at their jobs.  Whether they were printing out checks for invoices, selling goods to customers or making sure their businesses ran smoothly, each student did amazing work! 

Please see the pictures below to share in our experiences.