Friday, October 4, 2013

Skits and Timelines!

This week in 5th grade we learned even more about the Civil War, created a historical timeline, performed "Parts of Speech" skits and enjoyed our getting extra attention from our specialists since 6th grade was at Outdoor School. 

We received a visit from Dr. Flowers who helped us understand why Abraham Lincoln was not an abolitionist, as well as learning about the increase in slavery and the plateau of cotton sales leading up to the Civil War. 

Additionally, we wrote skits that we performed in front of our fellow students.  There were actors portraying teachers, students, game show hosts, Einstein and many others!  And don't forget about costumes!  There were many capes and funny hats! 

We are looking forward to another great week in 5th grade starting with the Jog-A-Thon, VIP, Book Fair day on Monday!  We hope to see you there! 

Also, we have a class photographer each week.  The pictures below were taken by Elijah.

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